Over the coming days and weeks The BBC is changing to bring you daily content that supports you as schools close across the UK, to help you with your education and wellbeing.
Bring your subject to life with interactive lessons featuring some of the BBC's biggest brands and presenters
252 free educational interactive teaching resources and activities for Primary/Elementary Schools.
84 free to use fun kids games/activities for kids aged 4 - 11.
170 plus links to free interactive teaching activities, educational games, image and software resources.
For each title of Eco Kids Planet, starting with issue 11
printable magazine with puzzles, activities and quizes
Download FREE Ebooks and EAudio books from Hampshire library service on
download magazines from hampshire library
We’re a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
As we close schools for the foreseeable future, we are looking to offer an at home education for primary students. This will include the national curriculum, social education and where possible sport and fitness.
Free Ebooks, Maths Games, Phonics guides, spelling tests, story cards and more activities
fun English Games for 7-11 year olds
fun English Games for 5-7 year olds