Youth café for 11-16yr - Hartley Wintney

a variety of activities every week from basketball to the Nintendo switch, come with your friends or to meet new friends for 12 - 16yr

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

Youthquake on Tuesday evenings from 3:30-6pm.

This is a place where you can come with your friends or to meet new friends, as we open the church building up to those in school years 7 – 13.

We run a variety of activities every week from basketball to the Nintendo switch! Also don’t forget our amazing tuck shop and for some the highlight of Youthquake the free milkshake!

We are really excited to see you all and hope that you can join us each week as we also break for a 5 minute discussion to talk about the things going on in our world.

Sessions (70)


Name: St John's Hartley Wintney

lively charismatic church in a great vibrant village

Youth café for 11-16yr - Hartley Wintney


St John's Fleet Road, Hartley Wintney, RG278ED Reading
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