Wayzs Inters Youth Club - Bracknell

Free after school activities for KS3 (Yr7, yr8 & Yr9) school students in Bracknell.

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £1.00 )

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Inters Youth Club for 11yr to end of yr9 Students in Bracknell

The Wayz Youth Club  offers an exceptionally wide range of activities and projects for young people 

Tuesdays 7:30-9:00pm

Ages : yr7 to end of Year 9.

Sessions (33)


Name: Bracknell events

Wayzs Inters Youth Club - Bracknell


The Wayz Youth & Community Centre, Calfridus Way, Bracknell, RG12 9ET
free_or_low_cost bracknell highlights Fun youthclub ks3_11-14yr