Vivace Music school for Primary aged children 6yr-8yr ks1 Fleet

Quality Music & Movement Classes for 6-8yr+ ks1 & KS2 in Fleet

Next Session: Sat 15-Mar-2025 - 09:50

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £9.47 )

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Vivace Music classes for  Infant children aged 6-8yrs in Fleet

In our Music classes for Primary school children in Fleet, the children learn the nuts and bolts of music in a fun and playful way through singing and movement games. Through learning the language of music, children acquire a solid foundation for later instrumental tuition, growing in confidence and social skills as they increasingly make the music their own.

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Fun Sensory Structured

Music and movement classes for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, primary school-aged children and children with special educational needs. ​

Our classes run throughout the week during term-times online and face-to-face at venues in Fleet, Yateley and Farnham.

Passionate about children and music, we are solidly rooted in the Kodály method to bring you fantastic teaching from around the world.

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Instrumental Lessons

Vivace Music school also offer One-on-one and small group instrumental lessons in Piano and Violine lessons in Fleet for children over 6yrs. These music lessons are available alongside group lessons with tutors who build on the skills learned in our classes.

Contact us

Sessions (30)


Name: Vivace Music School

Quality Music & Movement Classes for Babies and Children in Fleet, Yateley and Farnham

Vivace Music school for Primary aged children 6yr-8yr ks1 Fleet


Court Moor school, Fleet

Opening Times

  • Monday 09:50 to 11:25
  • Friday 09:50 to 11:20
  • Saturday 09:30 to 13:05
music highlights Home Education farnham yateley fleet ks1_5-7yr ks2_7-11yr indoor