Vision 4 Youth - Friday night Youth club - Yateley

Youth Club for 11-18yr olds in Yateley, Activities include Music, Football, badminton, table tennis, pool, boxercise, graffiti art, upcyling and more...

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

If you are looking for a free activity for you Preteen/Teen Then take a look at Vision4Youth in Yateley. Every friday they are running Drop in Session for 11 to 18yrs between 7 and 9pm completely free. Activities will include table tennis, Pool, Football, airhockey, Monthly movie night, basketball and tennis.

Tuck shop with free toast and juice are also available.

Vision 4 Youth is a charity based in Yateley, Hampshire, who provide Youth Clubs, Services, training, and employment in Yateley and the surrounding areas.


Vision 4 Youth was set up to act as a resource for young people aged up to 25 to provide advice and assistance, educational programmes, employment, training, physical activities and sport.

Through our projects and programs, we help young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals, Advancing education, Relieving unemployment, Providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for people living in the area of benefit who have need by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances with a view to improving the conditions of life of such persons.

And as a predominately voluntary service, we also provide work opportunities, experience and training to people from the communities we work in. Providing a fun, productive work environment focused on the local community.

Sessions (32)


Name: Vision 4 Youth - Yateley

Youth Club for 11-18yr olds in Yateley, Activities include Football, badminton, table tennis, pool, boxercise, graffiti art, upcyling, ice cream making

Vision 4 Youth - Friday night Youth club - Yateley


The Council Office, Reading Road, Yateley, GU46 7RP
free_or_low_cost hartleywintney highlights Fun teenagers youth yateley farnborough youthclub ks3_11-14yr ks4_14yr+ indoor