School Readiness: Nurturing Young Brains - this 1½hr workshop is available to parents of children aged 3 to 5 years.
This one-off face to face session will help the whole family to prepare and adjust to school life. Based on the Five to Thrive approach, along with the Ready Child, Ready Family, Ready School model, you will explore and discover what it really means to be school ready.
When you are thinking about your very young child starting school it can raise many questions, feelings, and emotions for you and your family. Some of those thoughts and feelings may cause both worry and excitement about this big milestone ahead. Some of your questions may be:
• What does school readiness actually mean?
• Will my child be physically & emotionally ready for school when the time comes?
• What will I need to do to make sure my child and the family are prepared?
• What resources will my child need for starting school?
• How will I cope when my child starts school?
• How will the school help me and my family to settle and feel included?
N.B. This workshop is open to all parents and carers of babies and children registered with a Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Health Visiting team.
School Readiness Workshop (24.04.24) The Room, Café 1759, Bordon
Wed, 24 Apr, 10:30