Roller Hockey - Farnham

Junior Roller hockey Farnham

Price: £0.00 (Adults £7.50 / Children £7.50 )

adults and teens playing roller hockey around a goal


Farnham Leisure Centre - Junior  Roller Hockey - Sunday 7pm - 8:30pm - Competitive  training for Squad Junior and teens (£7.50)

Roller hockey for juniors from

If you are less experienced or a beginner, you may prefer to start in the 4.30pm session, or intermediate level at 5.30pm. You can play outfield or in goal.

If you've played lots before - then this is the session for you.

For those wanting more, we also have the England Head Coach at Bordon on a Monday - those sessions should be booked separately..

330pm until 430pm
Weekly learn to skate session

430pm until 530pm
Beginners Roller Hockey Session

530pm until 7pm
Farnham RHC training

7pm until 830pm
Farnham RHC Senior Team Training.


Name: Places leisure skating

we have fun skating sessions in Guildford, Farnborough, Farnham and Camberley

Roller Hockey   - Farnham


Farnham Leisure Centre, Dogflud Way, Farnham, GU9 7UD
Multisport skating fitness farnham alton fleet ks2_7-11yr ks3_11-14yr ks4_14yr+ aldershot hook