Nursery rhymes are great for language development, they have a lot of rhythm which catch baby's attention, and repetition, which is good for speech development. It is also a nice way of introducing babies and toddlers to their local library!
Disclaimer: Whilst LocalFamilyEvents endevors to keep the event information on this page up to date and correct, dates and times may change or be cancelled without our knowledge; so please always check with the event or venue host. We take no responsibility or liability for changes.
Spaces are limited for the rhymetime sessions. Spaces can be booked at the desk at Godalming Library or by emailing [email protected]. There will also be some drop in spaces available on the day.
Please ensure that you arrive no later than 5 minutes before the start of the session to enable the session to start on time. Please be aware that you may only attend one session per week and that the children's library will closed while the rhymetime is ongoing due to the need to maintain social distancing.
Name: Godalming Library
We're OPEN today 09:30 - 17:00