Primary Musical Theatre YEM Theatre School - Farnborough

Drama and Dance and MT for 6-10yr olds in Farnborough

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £7.50 )

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Junior Musical Theatre Workshop 7-10yrs in Farnborough

This class combines the arts of Ballet, Jazz, Modern & Lyrical into an expressive and exciting art form.

Students in this class learn the basics of the techniques developed by the contemporary dance masters while working on new and creative choreography.

Core strength and flexibility are a must for this class and time will be spent helping each student to develop these techniques so that they can fully embrace this style of dance.

More Info

Brightly coloured logo containing the word YEM with rainbow colours shining out of it

The YEM Theatre School offer a wide range of classes during weekends and after school/college times. We offer training in dance, drama and musical theatre for fun and/or towards professional full time training. YEM Theatre school is a part-time theatre school for children and young people, with opportunities to take exams, perform in shows and go on to train professionally

Brightly coloured logo containing the word YEM with rainbow colours shining out of it

Please get in touch if we can help brighten a little one's day. We have classes for 18 months and up to 18 years. In musical theatre, drama, dance and choir 
