Little Lunas Sensory play for babies in Yateley

gentle introduction to sensory play in our relaxing illumination sensory room

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £9.00 )

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LITTLE LUNAS - 4 to 15 months in Yateley

Our little luna class is a fun singing, signing and sensory class. Each themed class is bursting with light up sensory props, fun action songs, Makaton signing, musical instruments, puppets, dress-up up and play cloth play to illuminate your little one's senses. These Sensory classes are for babies and toddlers 4month to 15months in the Yateley, Sandhurst and Camberley areas.

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Luna Lights Sensory - Yateley

Join April for weekly themed sensory classes from 4 weeks - 36 months. Illuminate your little one's senses through play. Each class is designed to support your little ones communication, physical and social development without even realising it and will be just as fun for adults.  These Sensory classes for Babies and todders in Yateley are a fun way for parents and little ones to bond and spend time together.

 Pay-as-you-go spaces on limited class times.

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Sessions (127)


Name: Luna Lights Sensory in Yateley

weekly themed sensory classes for Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers in Yateley

Little Lunas Sensory play for babies in Yateley


Macrae scout hut, Macrae Road, Yateley, Hampshire

Opening Times

  • Tuesday 10:40 to 12:20
  • Wednesday 09:40 to 14:00
  • Thursday 09:40 to 14:00
baby_0-1yr camberley highlights sensory yateley farnborough toddlers_1-2yr indoor