Kapes - Sensory Messy party slots - Farnborough

Early Years Sensory, Sports and Parent Education in the Farnborough area

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £10.00 )

Messy play set up in tuff tray
Sensory Messy Play Parties with KAPES kids and parents in Farnborough

Our aim at KAPES is to create an environment for children and parents to explore, experience and learn together.

To develop physical and sensory coordination that form the bedrock of physical literacy. This will aid both physical, mental and social development.


We will achieve this by providing fun and creative forms of sensory and messy play.

We will include parents on the journey, forming strong bonds with children and adults. Creating a group of confident and informed parents that together with us can help to develop physically confident young people.


We hold regular sessions for both children and parents that include physical education, play and sensory sessions, parent information groups and shared play. Our expert staff are always on hand to deliver sessions and give advice to parents on how to enhance the learning and play experience of children.

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Sensory and Messy play and classes for Babies, Toddlers and 

Our aim at KAPES is to create an environment for children and parents to explore, experience and learn together.

To develop physical and sensory coordination that form the bedrock of physical literacy. This will aid both physical, mental and social development.


We will achieve this by providing fun and creative forms of sensory and messy play.

We will include parents on the journey, forming strong bonds with children and adults. Creating a group of confident and informed parents that together with us can help to develop physically confident young people.


We hold regular sessions for both children and parents that include physical education, play and sensory sessions, parent information groups and shared play. Our expert staff are always on hand to deliver sessions and give advice to parents on how to enhance the learning and play experience of children.


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Sessions (69)


Name: KAPES - Kids & Parents Farnborough

class that develop physical and sensory co-ordination in Farnborough

Kapes - Sensory Messy party slots  - Farnborough


Cove Cricket Club, (End of Grasmere Rd), Grasmere Rd, Farnborough GU14 0LE

We're OPEN today 09:30 - 11:00

Opening Times

  • Friday 09:30 to 11:00
  • Saturday 09:30 to 11:00
baby_0-1yr Party_Ideas messyplay sensory farnborough fleet toddlers_1-2yr eyfs_2-4yr aldershot partyonly