Hut on the Hill Preschool -The Forest Approach - Hartley Wintney

Preschool outdoor learning workshop for children 2-5yrs and their parents

Price: £28.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £57.00 )

Mud play
Outdoor Learning for Preschoolers in Hartley Wintney

What’s different about the Hut on the Hill @theforestapproach! Simply …. Everything.

It’s where the magic happens, and children can be children- through play and self-chosen activities. First, the child is the centre of our practice with parents & educators, and they will have the best starting point possible. The Forest Approach is an inspirational process that offers all learners opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a natural outdoor environment, incorporating Forest School skills, a specialised approach that sits within and complements the broader context of outdoor learning.


The Forest Approach, led by a forest leader, aims to provide a holistic education for all children in their outdoor environment; learning is enhanced by the fantastic views surrounding our base camp. Some learning experiences are loosely structured to accommodate interests and curiosityAn environment to help children connect with nature and spend more time outdoors with experienced Early-Years educators and Forest Leaders.


Funding plus sustainability fee (term time) 


This environment is solely outside; we will explore the children’s sense of wonder about nature while teaching basic environmental and natural/forest principles. We promote emotional intelligence, empowering children and building relationships. We teach respect for all living beings and how to minimise our impact on the earth. Children will explore, take risks, build, and make observations….and along the way, they will build self-reliance and a passion for learning and gain skills necessary to prepare them for school and their lives.



* Clay Art: With Loose parts *Natural Playdough

* Landscape Painting – Sheet Painting or Spray bottle painting

*Charcoal Drawing * Flower art (flour) * Stonework Play.

*Make with String *Bird Feeders * Bird Spotting * Paper pot planting.

* Cloud Glazing * Barefoot play *Rope / String Shapes * Wormery

* Natural Paint Brushes * Leaf Crowns * Finding Mini Beast

* Stick mobiles * Flower Art * Fires * Tools* Woodwork*Fires

More Info
The Forest approach offers workshops - parties  education - hOME eD poster includes photos of campfire ooking and clay art
Outdoor Education for Families

The Forest Approach is an inspirational process that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning experiences in a natural environment. A specialised approach that sits within and complements the wider context of outdoor and woodland learning.

More Info


Sessions (47)


Name: The Forest Approach - Hartley Wintney

Home Education Workshops , Child & Parent Workshop, Holistic Forest Licence , Bespoke Children’s Parties, Early Years training , Exclusive Workshops in an Outdoor nurturing environment in Hartley Wintney

Hut on the Hill Preschool -The Forest Approach - Hartley Wintney


The Forest Approach, White Lion Antiques, Hartford Bridge, Hartley Wintney, Hook, RG27 8AE
forest educational preschool camberley hartleywintney childcare OutdoorLearning fire highlights nature Home Education farnham yateley farnborough fleet eyfs_2-4yr odiham hook