Free - Toddler Plus in Tongham

Chatting, singing, ideas for activities, sharing experiences

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

We have water play at both Toddler and Baby Plus this week, so come prepared!
(Some suncream might be an idea too!)

Chatting, singing, ideas for activities, sharing experiences

No need to book, and totally FREE.
Toddler Plus - Wednesday 10.30-12
Baby Plus - Thursday 10.30-12

Coffee Plus is our group for pre-school children, and their mums, dads, grandparents and carers.  We meet every Wednesday morning in the Old School, from 10.30am to 12pm.  We continue meeting through the school holidays, when older siblings are welcome too.


Its a great opportunity to relax and chat while the children play, and enjoy a cuppa and a slice of cake too!

Both in the Vicarage garden on Poyle Road, Tongham. Park in the community centre carpark and walk round to the house next door 😁

We are a welcoming and friendly church and a growing community of faith. We are a community within a community.

We are a genuine, all-age family that relates well, cares for one another, and is very welcoming to newcomers.
We are also part of the wider community of Tongham and Runfold and seek to be the church of and for the community.

We are committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and in doing so want to draw people into faith, journeying with them as we grow together in our understanding and learn how to apply our faith to our daily lives.


[email protected]


01252 783081