Free - Super Summer Saturdays - The Allotment

Visit The Allotment, where the Vegetable Nannies invite you to join them for a bit of gardening and childcare.

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

Visit The Allotment, where the Vegetable Nannies invite you to join them for a bit of gardening and childcare.
The nannies love nothing more than proudly showing off their allotment cherubs. Come and get stuck into the daily duties of feeding, bathing and caring for the baby fruits and vegetables.
Audiences are encouraged to befriend, feed and comfort all manner of earthen toddlers, such as Barbara the downhill-racing watermelon, Jessica, the Sweet-Potato beauty queen & David, the talented little Marrow whose ambition is to become a stage actor!
Shows at: 10-10.45am, midday-12.45pm and 2-2.45pm. No pre-booking is required, but track and trace information may be requested on arrival.
All activities are weather dependent and are subject to change. Please check for changes to locations, times and dates before attending.
Visit the website for activity and show times: