Forget me not café - Hartley Wintney

The Forget-Me-Not Cafe offers a warm welcome to those living with Dementia and their Carers

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

The Forget-Me-Not Cafe offers a warm welcome to those living with Dementia and their Carers every Tuesday afternoon in St John’s Church Centre, from 2-4pm.

Tea, coffee and homemade cake with an opportunity to chat and make new friends. Table tennis, snooker and crafts available for those who wish to take part. No need to book, just drop in, you will be so welcome!

Sessions (35)


Name: St John's Hartley Wintney

lively charismatic church in a great vibrant village

Forget me not café - Hartley Wintney


St John's Fleet Road, Hartley Wintney, RG278ED Reading
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