Fleet Phoenix - Free Guitar and Drums for 11-18yr Free

FREE music lessons where you can come and meet friends, hang out and chill or learn new skills

Price: £0.00 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

These Music sessions in Fleet support young musicians aged 11-25 years old.

SMART Music offers FREE guitar and drum tuition, giving young people an amazing opportunity to learn, develop, be creative and express themselves in a safe environment.

Come along and meet the team, learn new skills, meet new people and have a go on some of the amazing equipment we have.

Pop in and have a chat with Louise to find out more during any open session.




Name: Fleet Phoenix youth clubs

Fleet Phoenix runs several youth clubs throughout term time

Fleet Phoenix - Free Guitar and Drums for 11-18yr Free


The Point Youth Centre, Harlington Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 4BP
free_or_low_cost football tennis music hartleywintney club Fun teenagers youth fleet youthclub ks3_11-14yr ks4_14yr+ indoor