Community meals - Guildford

A service is to encourage people to remain independent and living in their own home.

Price: £0.00 (Adults £4.50 / Children £0.00 )

Meals are cooked and delivered in our purpose-built vehicles - they are hot and ready to eat. All meals are nutritionally balanced and meet the National Association of Care Catering's standards.

Our choice-based menu includes a main course and dessert.

Our community meals service is available for people who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • unable to cook for his/herself and there is no one else available to do so
  • not motivated to cook and is in danger of malnutrition
  • unaware of the time or the need to eat regular meals
  • unable to shop for his/her main meal requirements
  • a carer who would be assisted by meal preparation

Fees for community meals

Fee per meal, including dessert is £4.60

To register or enquire, contact us on 01483 458055 or email [email protected].

Sessions (319)


Name: Guildford events

Community meals - Guildford


The Hive, Park Barn Drive, Guildford, GU2 8EN
free_or_low_cost woking Adults_18yr+ senior guildford warmspace support