Sensory Song & Stretch: Stage 1 - The mummas village - Darby Green


Price: £10.50 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

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Sensory Song & Stretch 1 in Darby green Camberley

This progressive course is fun and lively. It incorporates gentle yoga stretches and movements for your baby accompanied by lots of songs and sensory play with social time for parents too! Our class has been specially designed for your little one with age appropriate content targeted to support their specific stage of development including moves and exercises to help Increase their strength, coordination, balance and spatial awareness. All crucial whilst they are learning how to crawl & walk. Our sensory play elements include the absolute favourite “what’s in the box” puppets, bubbles, parachutes, twinkly lights and a whole host of other props for them to use in structured play to stimulate all of their senses. Each week we have a different theme with a 12 week programme so you can do 2 terms of each level without repetition..

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Postnatal Classes

At The Mummas Village, we are passionate about supporting new parents on their journey into parenthood and beyond.

Whether you are a first-time parent or this is your fifth baby, each baby can bring with it unique challenges.

We provide you with postnatal education and support to help you make confident, informed decision along your parenting path, that feels right for your family. We understand that it takes a village to raise a child, and we want to welcome you to our village and help you find a support network as you move through the amazing roller coaster experience of parenthood. Each week in all of our classes we have time for you to chat & socialise, ensuring you are able to meet other parents with similar aged little people, helping to build your village.


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Antenatal classes

NOW ONLINE!  We provide you with relevant antenatal education & support and the information you need to make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and birth journey.

The principles and techniques you will learn in class will give you the pragmatic tools, knowledge, and confidence to prepare for the birth and parenting experience you want.

At The Mummas Village, we will never judge or force any opinion or view on you. We cover all birth options and education to enable you to make informed decisions, which is what ultimately leads to a positive birth. We understand that it takes a village to raise a child and we want to welcome you to our village and help you to find a support network as you embark on your journey into parenthood.

Find out more!


Sessions (3)


Name: The Mummas Village - Camberley & Fleet

Antenatal & Baby Classes in Camberley & Fleet

 Sensory Song & Stretch: Stage 1 - The mummas village - Darby Green


The Darby Green Community Centre, Darby Green Road, Darby Green, GU17 0DT

Opening Times

  • Tuesday 10:00 to 21:30
  • Friday 09:45 to 21:30
baby_0-1yr camberley singing highlights sensory yoga newborn postnatal yateley farnborough fleet indoor