Virtual Hip Hop Tots Toddler Classes with Busylizzy

Unlimited Package - Fitness & Fun for Mums and Little Ones £20 for unlimited access 7 days a week to 21 classes including pregnancy, postnatal fitness, baby and toddler classes!

Price: £0.22 (Adults £0.00 / Children £0.00 )

Get down with the latest hip-hop moves! Children will learn easy to follow dance moves and grooves. Ideal for 2 - 4 year olds although you'll find it tough not to join in with them too!

Every Saturday at 11.00am 

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On line classes

Being pregnant or having a new baby has its challenges, and that can be made so much harder with lockdowns closing face to face classes. However Busylizzy have created an amazing timetable of classes which can carry on no matter what is going on outdoors! giving you some consistancy and the ability to exercise and make friends.




Name: BusyLizzy Virtual Classes

Virtual Unlimited Package - Fitness & Fun for Mums and Little Ones, £20 for unlimited access 7 days a week to 22 classes including pregnancy, postnatal fitness, baby and toddler classes!

Virtual Hip Hop Tots Toddler Classes with Busylizzy


Virtual Online classes for parents in Farnham, Camberley, Fleet, Farnham, Bracknell, Guildford and Godalming
preschool baby_0-1yr music singing dance sensory parent_and_child fitness PregnancyClass toddlers_1-2yr online home selfisolating indoor