


7193 events from 22 January 2025 to 22 February 2025

22 January 2025 Wednesday

Gym at Places Leisure - Camberley
Farnham Castle
Fleet-Pond Nature reserve
Free 10 min shake up
Walks and nature
Castle & grounds - Farnham
Community Softplay- Guildford
Hogmoor Inclosure - Bordon
Softplay Places Leisure Camberley
Trainmaster party slot Fleet
Heath Walks - Sandhurst
The Toy Box - Owlsmoor
Warm hub at Mascot Hub - Woking
Holybourne Teddies - Alton
Playball 2-3yrs - Yateley
Boogie Parties - Guildford
Boogie pumps Parties - Farnham
Boogie pumps Parties - Woking
Madame Tussauds - London
Toddler music - Farnborough
Community Pantry- Guildford
Lightwater Library Open
Parent and Toddler Group - Woking
Sculpture Park - Farnham
Sunbeams Toddler group - Woking
Toddler Group - Woking
Toddler Group - Woking
Free Rhymetime - Farnham
Free Storytime - Camberley
Playball 3-4yrs - Yateley
Warm hub at Lighthouse- Woking
Chessington short break
London Dungeons
Ready Steady Walk - Hogmore Bordon
Community meals - Guildford
Adventure Golf Lego Land Windsor
Craft group - Farnborough
Free Storytime - Guildford
Clip and Climb Places Leisure Camberley
Inclusive Donutting  - Aldershot
Playball 4-5yrs- Lightwater
Playball 5-6yrs  - Lightwater
Playball 5-9yrs- Lightwater
Junior and Teen indoor Bowls - Alton
Yogabellies for Pregnancy - Farnborough
Air Cadets ATC - Bracknell
Air Cadets ATC - Wokingham
Army Cadets - Alton
Army Cadets - Minley

23 January 2025 Thursday

Gym at Places Leisure - Camberley
Farnham Castle
Fleet-Pond Nature reserve
Free 10 min shake up
Walks and nature
Aldershot Market
Castle & grounds - Farnham
Community fridge - Guildford
Community Softplay- Guildford
Hogmoor Inclosure - Bordon
Softplay Places Leisure Camberley
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
The Parent Pod - Woking
Trainmaster party slot Fleet
Playball 2-3yrs  - Camberley
Playball 3-4yrs - Camberley
Playball 4-5yrs  - Camberley
Heath Walks - Sandhurst
Bounce and rhyme crafts- Binfield
Inclusive cycling at Alice holt - Farnham
Messy Toddlers - Farnham
Warm hub at Mascot Hub - Woking
Boogie Parties - Guildford
Boogie pumps Parties - Farnham
Boogie pumps Parties - Woking
Madame Tussauds - London
Bounce and rhyme- Bracknell
Sculpture Park - Farnham
Warm hub - Ash Library
Playball 2-3yrs  - Camberley
Playball 3-4yrs - Camberley
Playball 4-5yrs  - Camberley
Free Rhymetime - Camberley
Free Rhymetime - Bordon Library
Rhymetime - Alton Library
Warm hub at Lighthouse- Woking
Yogabellies for Mum and baby - Mytchett
Chessington short break
London Dungeons
Rhymetimes - Godalming
NCT Baby & Toddler group - Woking
NCT Baby Cafe - Woking
Baby and Toddler NCT- Woking
Community meals - Guildford
Adventure Golf Lego Land Windsor
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
Wiggle and giggles - Guildford
Duplo club - Farnham
Chat and natter - bordon Library
Loopy Loopers - Alton Library
Warm hub - Ash Library
After school drop in at Bordon Library
Glow Youth Group 7-11yrs - Alton
After school Crafts - Sandhurst
The Lighthouse Free16 Youth - Woking
Clip and Climb Places Leisure Camberley
after school Donutting - Aldershot
Playball 4-5yrs  - Camberley
Playball 5-6yrs  - Camberley
Playball 6-8yrs  - Camberley
Playball 7-10yrs  - Camberley
Scouts 8th Bramshill - Frogmore
Air Cadets ATC - Aldershot
Air Cadets ATC - Alton
Air Cadets ATC - Farnborough
Air Cadets ATC - Odiham
Air Cadets ATC - Woking
Air Cadets ATC - Yateley
TOAST Youth Group 13-16yrs - Farnham
GIG Youth Group Sixth Formers - Farnham

24 January 2025 Friday

Gym at Places Leisure - Camberley
Farnham Castle
Fleet-Pond Nature reserve
Free 10 min shake up
Walks and nature
Castle & grounds - Farnham
Community fridge - Guildford
Community Softplay- Guildford
Farnborough Market
Hogmoor Inclosure - Bordon
Softplay Places Leisure Camberley
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
Trainmaster party slot Fleet
Heath Walks - Sandhurst
baby and toddler club - Lightwater
Boogie Parties - Guildford
Boogie pumps Parties - Farnham
Boogie pumps Parties - Woking
Madame Tussauds - London
Milmead Toddler group - Guildford
Playball 2-3yrs- Lightwater
Playball 3-4yrs- Lightwater
Playball 4-5yrs- Lightwater
Stitch and chat- Farnham
Alton Towers short breaks
Bump & Beyond  Group - Woking
Community Pantry- Guildford
Lightwater Library Open
Preschool Shoppers’ Crèche- Farnham
Sculpture Park - Farnham
URC Toddler Group - Fleet
Warm hub - Ash Library
Yogabellies for Mum and baby - Fleet
Rhymetime - Yateley
Free Rhymetime - Camberley
Chessington short break
London Dungeons
Yogabellies for Mum and Movers - Fleet
Community meals - Guildford
Adventure Golf Lego Land Windsor
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
Softplay Woking leisure Centre
Warm hub - Ash Library
Free Rhymetime - Woking
Friday Boardgame Club - Alton Library
High Score Arcade Centre Bracknell
Clip and Climb Places Leisure Camberley
Playball 3-4yrs - Camberley
Playball 5-6yrs  - Camberley
Playball 6-8yrs  - Camberley
Wayzs Hang out SEN Youth Club - Bracknell
Beaver Scouts 8th Bramshill - Frogmore
St George's Youth Group - Sandhurst