Recreational Ski Alpine Snowsports Aldershot

1 hour practise sessions

Price: £0.00 (Adults £19.00 / Children £13.50 )

For the safety of all users, to attend these sessions you must be at our minimum standard of being able to stop, turn, and use the button lifts. If you are not at this standard, have a look at our lessons to get you up to speed.


Recreational use of the slopes is available to anyone who meets the required minimum standards as laid out below:


  1. Controlled turns
  2. Ability to control speed
  3. Stop and the ability to use all ski lifts


  1. Controlled side-slip on toe and heel edge
  2. Ability to stop and use lifts. 


If you are not at this standard, have a look at our lessons to get you up to speed.

  • What to bring

    All participants must have;

    1. Gloves*
    2. Long sleeves (Recommended)
    3. Long trousers (Recommended)
    4. Dress for the weather as we are outdoors.
    5. Helmet for under 17's
    6. Trainers


    We ask people to bring their own helmets where possible. We do have some helmets here to lend to those with out them.

    *Gloves need to cover hands and fingers. We sell gloves for £3.50. 

Sessions (162)


Name: Alpine Snowsports Aldershot

Skiing, Snow boarding,donutting, and X-Bobs

Recreational Ski Alpine Snowsports Aldershot


Alpine Snowsports Centre, Gallwey Road, Aldershot, Hants, GU11 2DD

We're OPEN today 12:15 - 19:00

Opening Times

  • Monday 10:00 to 22:00
  • Tuesday 10:00 to 22:00
  • Wednesday 10:00 to 22:00
  • Thursday 10:00 to 22:00
  • Friday 10:00 to 22:00
  • Saturday 12:15 to 19:00
  • Sunday 10:00 to 18:00
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