Photo of Another World VR

Another World VR

Virtual reality centre in camberley
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Another World VR in Camberley

AnotherworldVR is a BRAND NEW virtual reality centre in Camberley town centre. 

The Vurtual reality gaming centre offers a selection of VR games suitable for everyone over 6yrs, along with some more grown up Virtual games which are more suitable for teens and adults so is perfect for birthday parties, nights out and play dates. 

Camberley centre is convieniently accessable via car, bus and train from Farnborough, Yateley and Farnham.

Take a look at our website for our latest special offers.

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Virtual reality parties for children over 6yrs, Teens and adults from £30pp

Party Price: £30.00
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Another World VR Birthday parties for younger children Camberley

AnotherworldVR is a BRAND NEW virtual reality centre in Camberley town centre. 

The Vurtual reality gaming centre offers a selection of VR games suitable for children between 6-12yrs so is perfect for birthday parties. 

The centre has a lounge for serving birthday food, ballons and drink which you can bring along. There is even a recreation room for those not currently playing the games with boardgames and other ideas.

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Another World VR Birthdays for Teens and adults Camberley

The Vurtual reality gaming centre offers a selection of VR games suitable for everyone, a large number of the games are perfect for teens and Adults, with a bit more of a challenge and adventure.  These games are not suitable for children under 12yrs but perfect for birthday parties, nights out and team building. 

Camberley centre is convieniently accessable via car, bus and train from Farnborough, Yateley and Farnham.  with a great selection of restaurants and bars and night life to make the most of your day.

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VR Voyager Party from £30pp
1-hour VR game experience: Includes setup, safety briefing, and game rules.
30 minutes for food, cake cutting, and photos in the private lounge.
Custom party invites and access to a private lounge room.
  • (Note: Guests bring their food and cake.)
Catering: Note: You’ll need to provide your own food and cake for this package.
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Cosmic Quest Celebration from £40pp
1-hour VR game experience: Includes setup, safety briefing, and game rules.
30 minutes for food, cake cutting, and photos in the private lounge.
Custom party invites and access to a private lounge room.
Catering: Food and soft drinks (pizzas and sandwiches).*
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Escape Party Ultimate from £50pp
1-hour VR game experience: Includes setup, safety briefing, and game rules.
30 minutes for food, cake cutting, and photos in the private lounge.
Custom party invites and access to a private lounge room.
  • (Note: Guests bring their food and cake.)
Catering: Food and soft drinks provision (pizzas and sandwiches).*
Party pack provision (based on age).*

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Venue Details

Opening Times:

Monday 11:00 to 18:00
Tuesday 11:00 to 18:00
Wednesday 11:00 to 18:00
Thursday 11:00 to 18:00
Friday 11:00 to 19:00
Saturday 10:00 to 20:00
Sunday 11:00 to 17:00


The Square, 36-40 Obelisk Way, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3SG




camberley Party_Ideas partyhire Fun Adults_18yr+ partyvenue farnham yateley farnborough senior ks1_5-7yr ks2_7-11yr ks3_11-14yr ks4_14yr+ esports partysuppliers party

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